Anna Angliában IV. - Photo-diary : 2018 Bristol
ezúttal szeretnék megosztani veletek néhány őszi fotómat amiket Bristolban készítettem.
Múlthéten egy iskolai barátom kilátogatott hozzám és mivel most járt itt először, sok időt töltöttünk a szabadban és a városban, amolyan felfedező üzemmódban végigjártuk amit érdemes, megnéztünk néhány látványosságot, múzeumokat, katedrálisokat.
Fabulous pictures. I love the church pics the most.
VálaszTörlésThose pictures are stunning! What a beautiful walk you went on! I would so love to visit Bristol!
VálaszTörlésThe town is the prettiest around this time of the year, if you ever going to visit, come in at autumn time! :)
TörlésYour photos are gorgeous, thanks a lot for sharing!
VálaszTörlésThanks for reading! :)
TörlésWhat beautiful pictures! I love all fo the cathedrals and architecture in Bristol.
VálaszTörlésI went to Bristol a few weeks ago! Absolutely stunning city <3
VálaszTörlésLove all the photos. Looks like a beautiful and fun place
VálaszTörlésThe photographs are beautiful. I must say you have great talent. Impressive. I am out of words...
VálaszTörlésThis looks very pretty! I'd love to take a walk around Bristol, too. Autumn walks are perfect and brisk and fresh.
VálaszTörlésWonderful architecture! Walking around this church will be very great! Want to go there onetime.
VálaszTörlésbeautiful photos! I would really love to walk with you and snap along the way too. Very nice artistic eye on things!
VálaszTörlésI am loving all the pictures. It sure looks like a wonderful place.
VálaszTörlésWhat a beautiful town, the pictures are gorgeous! I would love to visit.
VálaszTörlésThose picture make me wanto to go to church! The arqchitecture is to die for!
VálaszTörlésI have never been to Bristol but I always wanted to visit. Such a wonderful place. This is truly a bucket lists material.
VálaszTörlésIt is a bucket list material indeed! :)
TörlésThese pictures are beautiful. It looks like this town has such history in it. I would love to visit it one day, thanks for sharing!
VálaszTörlésWhat wonderful post! I think I'd like to take pictures here as well, this place looks amazing. Thanks for sharing! :)